WNORTH Conference Call for Applications
Two local women on the rise will be awarded a scholarship to attend the WNORTH Conference April 15-17 at the Nita Lake Lodge.
WNORTH is a boutique-style conference focused on providing a forum for women who are aiming for, or already on, a senior executive leadership track. Top female business leaders in corporate, public and entrepreneurial sectors, will come together, under this year’s conference theme of Cultivating Legacy, to enhance their leadership training, engage in high-level networking and witness inspirational talks from global leaders.
To nominate yourself or someone else please complete the nomination form.
NOMINATEDon’t forget that WNORTH is extending an exclusive offer to Whistler Chamber Members to attend the Conference. By using the Promotional Code WHISCHAMBER20, Members receive a discount to attend this impactful leadership development opportunity. Register using this link to take advantage of this special member rate.

All Candidates Meeting Wrap Up
The Whistler Chamber in partnership with Arts Whistler and the Pique Newsmagazine recently hosted the Whistler All-Candidates meeting ahead of the Provincial Election. The video recording is available to view now.

What you missed at the Advocacy in Action Roundtable: Election Issues
Recently, we hosted an Advocacy in Action roundtable to discuss the upcoming election and the major issues facing businesses.

What you missed at the Advocacy in Action: Business Roundtable with MLA Jordan Sturdy
On Thursday, June 13, Jordan Sturdy, MLA for West Vancouver-Sea to Sky joined the Whistler Chamber and a dozen local business owners and Chamber Members to our boardroom for an Advocacy in Action session.

What you missed at Advocacy in Action presented by TD – Business Roundtable with Patrick Weiler, M.P.
Back in February, the Whistler Chamber hosted Patrick Weiler, M.P. in our boardroom for a Business Roundtable. We had a full house, with representatives from accommodation, food services, real estate, transportation, education, activities and more. And a mere three...

Whistler Chamber Advocacy in Action: Focus on Function
Advocacy in Action: Focus on Function April 11, 2024 The Whistler Chamber headed south of the village to hear what’s on the mind of businesses in Function Junction. Many thanks to the businesses who attended and to the Whistler Brewing Company for hosting us, keeping...